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Group os people listening to a speaker at U3A Conference

The Third Age Trust

The Universities of the Third Age are democratic, self-funding organisations that provide all types of educational, creative and leisure activities for retired people at minimum cost,  by making use of the knowledge and skills of their members.  They come under the umbrella of the national body “The Third Age Trust”. 

Devizes U3A members around a table with coffee and cake

What we’re about

The “University of the Third Age” has been described as the “Youth Club for Retired People” providing educational, recreational and leisure activities which are run by its members and coordinated by volunteer Group Leaders. Our Devizes group has over 650 members and over 60 activity groups. We organise coach trips to theatres, museums and galleries and there are regular talks.


We need You! We continue to be a very active U3A, with 61 groups, with some topics comprising two or more groups to accommodate the level of interest and accommodation capacity. Each group has a leader and we currently have 15 members serving on our committee to provide overall management and compliance with Third Age Trust and Charity Commission frameworks. This means that we currently have around 50 members, allowing for the fact that some committee members also run one or more groups, who have chosen to volunteer to make a contribution to running our U3A, and we thank them