Aviation Studies

1st Wednesday

Conservative Club

Leader: Martin Houghton
At 10:00

First Wednesday from 10-00 to 12-00 noon.
We continue to meet at the Conservative Club, 30 Long Street, Devizes SN10 1NW.
Our meetings are held in the Seminar Room at the Conservative Club and have been well attended.
We meet live and enjoy some excellent speakers, both members and visitors.
The talks are designed to appeal to both a non-technical audience and our members with aviation experiences.
Future speakers and programme topics are:
The first Wednesday in January is New Years Day, there will not be a meeting until 5th February.
5th February Graham Green – Aviation Flying & Safety
5th March Jock Heron – VSTOL (vertical & short take-offs)
2nd April Tony van Crump – why do helicopters fly?
Monthly emails will confirm dates and speakers and the group is open to new members.
Contact the group at

Pictures taken on visit to Aerospace on 4th March 2020 by Roy Cockbill and 2 by Pete Franks.

Updated on 09-12-2024