Creative Writing

2nd Tuesday

Leader’s House

Leader: Geoff West
At 14:00
We are a small group who meet to enjoy listening to one another’s creative story lines over an approximate time span of 2 hours. We cover a variety of topics that include writing a small piece based around a theme offered by one of the members on the day.
We also have literary games, anagrams and word posers, nothing very taxing, just enough to spark the brain and create a little amusement. We set a title for a written piece that we take away and write about prior to the next meeting when we read them out. We don’t criticise or appraise, just listen to one another and amaze at the
varied interpretations of the set theme.
We currently have several vacancies and would welcome new comers. So if you fancy joining us please come along and listen in to see if this would suit you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Updated on 09-11-2024