
1st Tuesday

Family Room, Conservative Club

Leader: Joyce McMurray
At 10:00

We meet in the Conservative Club in Long Street at 10am on the first Tuesday of the Month. Our meetings consist of an illustrated talk, a refreshment break, then a session where we discuss any new happenings, have a short member’s talk or a question and answer session. Each meeting has a £2 charge.
Curiosity is all you need, no prior knowledge of Geology is required. We also produce a weekly newsletter to keep up with events and information.
We have welcomed several new members this year and still have room for more, so either ring or email me if you would like more information.
In 2024 we are hoping to plan Day trips; Bath Stone Quarry, the National Oceanography Centre at Southampton, and a Geology Day in the Mendips are in the planning stage. We also have links to day, and residential geology trips run by other organisations. I will attempt to post the monthly talk on our web page.
We have had talks on Rifting as a phenomenon, Tidal Races and wrecks around Portland, and the Jordan rift so far this year.
If you would like to hear one of our talks, but not commit, you are welcome to join us.

Next Meetings:
Tuesday August 6th Magma’s Role in the Rock Cycle
Updated on 20-07-2024