Smart Phone & Tablet Users

3rd Tuesday

Leader’s home

Leader: Terence Tovey
At 10:00 on Zoom

We now have Hybrid meetings for 40 minutes every 3 rd Tuesday of the month. The meeting is both by Zoom or those that prefer can come to the leader’s home starting at 10am and running to 10:40.
Recently we have had new members come to my house for their first meeting and this seems to work. They can then continue to come to The Beeches or follow on Zoom now they have had an introduction. The meetings tend to be a coffee get together rather than a full-blown smart phone session. There has been general agreement with those who do attend that it was a good social occasion and if one has a problem, it could be aired and normally solved and we can also put the world to rights. For those at mine coffee and biscuits will be supplied.
As I have said above, please try it, initially by coming to me, after that it is up to you whether you zoom or come here. For the great majority Zoom is one click or touch and you are on, whether it is a phone, tablet or computer.
I look forward to seeing you in person or on Zoom.

Next Meeting Dates:
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th 
(Leader required)

Updated on 24-06-2024